We have updated our pricing. Nothing has changed for private customers. Brand new: fileee Business
DSGVO Compliant
Developed and hosted in Germany
How does digital document management work?
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Live webinar

15.05.2024 // 11:00 Uhr

Best Practice: Wie der Winzerhof Wirges mit fileee Dokumente GoBD-konform verwaltet
Henning Frede
Management Assistant
Andreas Wirges
Inhaber Winzerhof Wirges
Over 5,000 business users are already convinced

"fileee is a simple solution for us that provides immediate time relief"

15 hours of working time saved per month

"The search is super powerful! It works very, very well! If I ever just have a keyword in mind, I type individual phrases into the search and find it."
Learn more about using fileee with AWARE7 →
Dr. Matteo Große-Kampmann,
Founder & Managing Director AWARE7

You can rely on fileee

"The metadata export is a real unique selling point that we haven't found with any other DMS like this."
Find out more about using fileee at APF Consult →
Joachim Knaack,
Founder & Managing Director APF Consult

Pendulum file replaced with digital DMS

"My accountant gets access to relevant Spaces at the end of the year, so he has access to all the important documents instead of me getting a long list of requirements from him. That's brilliant."
Learn more about using fileee for success in the healing professions →
Claudia Hönig,
Founder & Managing Director
of Success in the Healing Professions

Mit fileee und der fileeeBox wertvolle Zeit sparen

“Mir hat die Digitalisierung mit anderen DMS-Systemen oft zu viel Zeit beansprucht mit dem Verschlagworten einzelner Dokumente oder dass ich den Scanner extra für einen kleinen Kassenbeleg anschmeißen muss. Jetzt habe ich die fileeeBox mit Scanaufsatz. Das dauert so lange wie ein Foto machen. Ein Dokument wird in 2 Sekunden erfasst.”
Mehr zur Nutzung von fileee im Friseursalon TOPP&TOPP erfahren →
Andreas Topp,
Betriebswirt & Inhaber
TOPP&TOPP Die Friseure

Die All-in-One Lösung für Dein digitales Büro

One application for all your
documents - digital and analogue

With fileee you can create high-quality scans of your files or import files from anywhere. The fileeeBox also helps you to easily file the original documents. With the help of tags, you can then quickly and easily categorise and store the documents digitally without having to create a folder structure.

Manage documents together with fileee Teams

With fileee Teams you can collaborate completely paperless within your company. Assign individual rights to read or edit so that everyone has access to exactly the documents they need.
Members can access, edit and assign tasks to each other at the same time and without media disruptions, and exchange information via the chat function - on the desktop or in the mobile app.

More than a DMS - with fileee you can map many processes

Ob Buchhaltung, Rechnungsfreigaben oder auch das sichere digitale Verfügbar machen von Dokumenten für Mitarbeitende (Arbeitsvertrag, Gehaltsabrechnungen, etc.), durch die Aufgabenzuteilung an Dokumenten und Kommunikation direkt in fileee werden viele mögliche Geschäftsprozesse direkt in fileee abgehandelt. Auch das sichere Teilen von Dokumenten an Externe oder der Export an Buchhaltungssoftwares wird so ganz leicht umsetzbar.
Mit fileee hast Du eine Lösung für alle Prozesse rund um Dokumente, ob Rechnung, Vertrag oder Gehaltsabrechnung.

Quickly find and share or export documents

Deine Dokumente sind so archiviert, dass Du sie jederzeit leicht finden kannst. Dank intelligenter Texterkennung kannst Du sogar nach Stichwörtern in Deinen Dateien suchen. Dokumente können ganz einfach in andere Dienste wie DATEV, lexoffice, Agenda & Co. exportiert oder mit Dritten, wie z. B. dem Steuerberater, zur Ansicht geteilt werden.

It's that simple

Import documents and emails and fileee automatically recognises relevant information in your documents.
Create your team in fileee, edit documents together and make them available to the team.
Collaborate on document-related work processes by assigning tasks directly and communicating in fileee.

Your team deserves a better solution for documents

Your paperless office - simple and with the best design
Documents always at hand for the right people
One solution for all processes around documents
That was not all

Further practical features of fileee

Data protection and security
Your documents are hosted by a
German server provider and are protected
by our innovative encryption technology
and two-factor authentication.
Share documents
Share documents in the team, with employees or externally with customers or the tax advisor - legally compliant and without media breaks.
Automatic deletion date
fileee offers many useful features for documents, such as an automatic deletion date with fileee PREMIUM Business.
Data protection and security
Your documents are hosted by a
German server provider and are protected
by our innovative encryption technology
and two-factor authentication.
Share documents
Share documents in the team, with employees or externally with customers or the tax advisor - legally compliant and without media breaks.
Automatic deletion date
fileee offers many useful features for documents, such as an automatic deletion date with fileee PREMIUM Business.

fileee fits seamlessly into your workflow

Import from e-mail inboxes
Automatically load attached e-mail
documents into fileee
Import from Dropbox
Import your Dropbox documents automatically into fileee
Exportiere Deine Dokumente schnell und einfach zu Buchhaltungssoftware
Import your box documents automatically into fileee
Import your WebDAV documents automatically into fileee
Learn more about all the services you can connect to fileee.
View all services

One solution for all your devices

fileeeBox set

The smart solution for your
original documents

Scan your documents and store the originals in the fileeeBox. This way you can access them quickly at any time - without wasting time on tedious filing.
Discover fileeeBox
DSGVO Compliant
Developed and hosted in Germany
© 2024 fileee. All Rights Reserved.
We have updated our pricing. Nothing has changed for private customers. Brand new: fileee Business
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