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Best Practice: Wie der VölCare Pflegedienst 15h/Woche Arbeit mit fileee einspart

Digitale Praxisabläufe mit sensiblen Daten und vielen Dokumenten: Der ambulante Pflegedienst VölCare hat mit sehr viel Papierkram zu tun. Dokumente einfach nur einscannen führte nicht zum gewünschten Ergebnis, denn das Wiederfinden gestaltete sich als problematisch. Dann wurde fileee eingeführt: intuitives UI, automatische Dokumentenerkennung und Automatisierungen erleichtern die Büroarbeit so sehr, dass pro Monat über 60h an Arbeitszeit eingespart werden. Melde Dich jetzt für dieses Best Practice Webinar.

Jahresauftakt 2025: Wie die GartenBaumschule Becker mit fileee einen großen Schritt zum digitalen Büro macht

Endlich vom Papierkram weg und fit werden für die E-Rechnung: Oliver Fink, Inhaber der GartenBaumschule Becker, erläutert in diesem Webinar, wie sie mit fileee nicht nur den Großteil der Bürodrucker losgeworden sind, sondern auch mit Automatisierungen digitale Dokumentenprozesse für das digitale Büro umsetzen. Anhand dieses Best Practice Beispiels zeigt Oliver, wie die GartenBaumschule Becker Zeit spart und die Ablageprozesse effizienter gestaltet.

Ist Dein Unternehmen bereit für die

Die E-Rechnungspflicht im B2B-Sektor kommt ab dem 1. Januar 2025 - aber noch nicht alle Unternehmer:innen haben sich mit diesem Thema auseinander gesetzt. In diesem kurzen On Demand Webinar geben Dir Alina und Kerstin von fileee einen Überblick über die E-Rechnung und wie Du sie in fileee importierst. Freu Dich außerdem auf einen kurzen Ausblick für weitere Funktionen und Deine Chance, Fragen zu stellen.

Von Dropbox zu fileee: Wie die Rhein Main Hausverwaltung DSGVO-Vorschriften erfüllt und trotzdem ihr Dokumentenmanagement vereinfacht hat

Effizienz und Datenschutz im Fokus: Gesellschafterin Margrit Bettner von der Rhein Main Hausverwaltung erläutert in diesem Webinar, wie der Umstieg von Dropbox zu fileee für mehr Datensicherheit und eine intelligente Dokumentenorganisation sorgt. Erfahre, wie die automatische Dokumentenerkennung den Verwaltungsaufwand reduziert und sensible Daten sicherer verarbeitet werden. Anhand dieses Best-Practice-Beispiels zeigt Margrit Bettner, wie die Rhein Main Hausverwaltung Zeit spart und die Ablageprozesse effizienter gestaltet – mit anschließendem Live-Q&A für Deine Fragen.

How the full-service digital agency Inter Medien Networks optimizes its processes with fileee and saves up to 2 hours a day

Saving time every day thanks to a smart DMS: In this webinar, Chief Operations Officer Markus Zeh from the full-service digital agency Inter Medien Networks shows how he was able to reduce the time he spends filing documents every day by up to 2 hours with the help of fileee and its automation, putting an end to the paper chaos and providing the tax consultant with all the necessary documents. This best practice example shows you how quickly you can bring structure to your company's filing system to save valuable time. Get concentrated expertise followed by a live Q&A for your open questions.

Best practice: MVZ Beilngries automates practice document workflows

Automating digital practice processes with sensitive data: MVZ Beilngries by med.368 GmbH shows how it's done. In this webinar, Dominik explains how the MVZ is using fileee and automation to master the document storage of its three GP practices in order to put an end to the paper chaos and create digital, efficient structures. This best practice example shows you how quickly you can bring structure to your company's filing system to save valuable time. Gain concentrated expertise followed by a live Q&A to answer your open questions.

Best practice: How Winzerhof Wirges manages GoBD-compliant documents with fileee

Digitizing the family business while complying with the GoBD guidelines - this was the challenge Andreas Wirges faced with his winery. In this webinar, we will use a best practice example to show you how quickly you can bring structure to your company's accounting to save valuable time while still complying with all legal requirements. Get concentrated expertise followed by a live Q&A for your open questions.

How the Solista Restaurant Group replaced a garage full of files with the fileee DMS

Supplier orders, inventory, employee management: the Solista Group operates five restaurant branches of different sizes, target groups and with different offerings. 20 years of everyday office life were to be gradually digitalized and processes converted. In this webinar, Axel explains how the Burgos Group managed this extensive undertaking and minimized sources of error in order to put an end to the paper chaos and create digital, efficient structures. This best practice example shows you how quickly you can bring structure to your company's filing system to save valuable time. Get concentrated expertise followed by a live Q&A to answer your open questions.

Digitization in clubs: How VfL Grafenwald simply digitized its filing system

Time is money - and nowhere is this more noticeable than in associations. This is because they are often dependent on volunteers. This makes it all the more important to create clear and intuitive structures that enable flexibility. The soccer department of VfL Grafenwald has risen to this challenge and is digitizing its filing system with the fileee document management system. This webinar uses a best practice example to show you how quickly you can bring structure to your club's filing system to save valuable time. Gain concentrated expertise followed by a live Q&A to answer your open questions.

Start 2024 digitally with huge time savings: Best practice webinar - How GO Container switched from 40k paper documents/year to
100% digital

With the generation change also came the question: How can GO Container introduce digital processes with over 40,000 paper documents a year? Since the introduction of fileee, running through the office to colleagues' desks with printed invoices is a thing of the past. Find out how Gaarmann Overhaus Container digitizes all documents with the fileee DMS and saves a lot of time with an automation rate of over 80%. In this webinar, you will be shown how quickly you can bring structure to your company's accounting and save valuable time using the best practice example. Get concentrated expert knowledge followed by a live Q&A to answer your open questions.

Release webinar: How to automate work processes with the new automation feature

Approve invoices, share documents or tag them: You can now automate manual work processes with fileee. In this webinar for business customers, Alina and Kerstin will show you how to set up automations to save valuable time. We will answer your open questions in the live Q&A.

Best Practice: How VETspert small animal practices use fileee across locations to securely access documents from anywhere.

Company growth usually means growing mountains of paper. To cope with the paperwork across locations, the VETspert team worked on their own processes and discovered fileee's solution for document management. With fileee DMS, all documents are digitized so that the team can access them securely from anywhere. In this webinar, you will be shown how to quickly bring structure to your company's accounting in order to save valuable time. Receive concentrated expert knowledge followed by live Q&A for your open questions.

Best Practice: How the hair salon Topp&Topp manages documents mobile from anywhere with fileee DMS App

Whether in the supermarket or on the beach in Thailand, being able to access documents from anywhere is a game changer for Andreas Topp from TOPP&TOPP DIE FRISEURE. Learn how the hair salon Topp&Topp digitizes and manages all documents with the help of fileee. This webinar uses a best practice example to show you how you can quickly bring structure to your company's accounting in order to save valuable time. Get concentrated expertise with a live Q&A afterwards for your open questions.

Best practice DMS for e-commerce store: How manages documents digitally

All incoming and outgoing invoices in one place: Learn how the online store manages documents completely digitally with fileee and communicates with the tax advisor. This webinar uses a best practice example to show you how you can easily import many documents into fileee, just like in an e-commerce store, and how the intuitive DMS together with the fileeeBox replaces cumbersome paper filing. Get concentrated expertise with subsequent live Q&A for your open questions.

Best Practice Dental Practice Bucuta: Digital Backup of Practice Documents for Team Management

Put an end to the paperwork on your desk: Learn how Bucuta Dental Practice uses fileee to digitally archive their practice documents. In this webinar, you will be shown how to import documents into fileee and how the intuitive DMS saves expensive personnel resources. Get concentrated expert knowledge with Q&A afterwards for your open questions.

Best Practice: How Stadt-Apotheke Weida securely manages documents digitally with fileee DMS

This webinar uses a best practice example to show you how you can quickly bring structure to your company's accounting, easily and quickly digitize communication with the tax advisor and document storage, and save valuable time. Get concentrated expert knowledge with subsequent live Q&A for your open questions.

Best practice: How the management consultancy Erfolg in Heilberufen uses structures in document management to ensure more time with its own patients

In this webinar, you will be shown how you can implement digital document management in your company in a structured way using the best practice example in order to save valuable time. Get concentrated expert knowledge with subsequent live Q&A for your open questions on the topic.

Best Practice: APF Consult
Reduction of workload thanks to simple DMS - Learnings for microenterprises

This webinar will show you how you can successfully reduce the workload in your company by using a simple document management system.
Get concentrated expert knowledge with Q&A afterwards.

How cybersecurity company AWARE7 saves 15 hours of work time per month by using digital document management

In this webinar, you will be shown how you can successfully implement digital document management in your company using a best practice example. Get concentrated expert knowledge with Q&A afterwards.

Do you also have an interesting use case that you would like to share?

Then feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to your story!
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DSGVO Compliant
Developed and hosted in Germany
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