We have updated our pricing. Nothing has changed for private customers. Brand new: fileee Business

For a world
without paperwork

No deforestation for paper documents
Less resource consumption due to reduced administrative burden
Eliminate transport routes through digital documents
Fact check - per year and person

Paper consumption in Germany

83 kg
248 kg
4.332 l
87 kg
Based on 2019 consumption.
Sources: Association of German Paper Mills, Sustainability Calculator
How much paper does your company use?

Live more sustainably with fileee

The digital file in the app: Over 210,000 users use fileee to manage documents digitally. More than 22 million pages have already been filed in fileee, which is equivalent to about 110 tonnes of paper. These documents do not have to be printed out or sent by post, but can easily be sent securely and digitally if required. This makes the app more ecological in its handling of documents and fileee users more sustainable.
For many digital documents from customer portals, e-mail attachments and the like, fileee is the secure digital home. Searching and requesting printed documents again is a thing of the past.
22 m
Pages digital documents
110 T

Sustainable solutions with fileee

The digital assistant for your private documents

  • Less paper consumption
  • No double filing
  • Fewer searches through smart AI assistants
  • Less work with documents

Document management for your business

  • Receive and send documents digitally
  • Save on shipping materials and transport costs
  • Short distances, through digital collaboration
  • Simple integrations and exports
  • Highest security standards for your paperless office

Paperless processes for your company

  • Digital document dispatch
  • Self-service forms
  • Digital application processes
  • Partnership with fileee & Plant a Tree
  • Less paper for end customers
  • Responsible use of resources

Sustainability calculator for companies

How much paper does my company generate?
or external/employees
including advertising etc.
such as forms, letters, etc.
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Request information on sustainable shipping
Pages per year
Costs for the company per year
CO² per year
deforested per year
A detailed breakdown (energy, water, CO2) can be found at
fileee under the microscope:

Sustainability all the way to the office

Of course, we use our system ourselves to avoid exactly this high volume of paper. We don't have any paper forms or applications to fill out by hand. We can map almost everything ourselves with the fileee app. Since sustainability and the careful use of resources are very important to us, this is also a building block of our corporate philosophy.
Ecological data centres in Germany
Our data centres are powered by 100% electricity from sustainable and ecological sources. In addition, the data centres of our partner, the Open Telekom Cloud, consume 30% less energy than comparable offerings. And all this with German hosting with German data protection guidelines.
Fewer journeys due to home office
To avoid unnecessary journeys by car, bus and train, we mainly work from our home office or cycle. Our infrastructure makes remote work very possible. Emissions caused by employees travelling to and from work are minimised and we also consume considerably less energy for heating and use of the premises on site.
The fileee office is a green office
We also use green electricity to power our offices. Most of our office furniture is made from upcycling projects. To avoid packaging materials, we usually cook ourselves during the lunch break. We have a cooking plan for this. We also make sure that the packaging of our own products is as environmentally friendly as possible and have been using less packaging material for a long time.
What is still to come?
We are not perfect either. We are constantly looking for solutions to become even more sustainable. We are aware of our responsibility towards our planet. That is why it is important to us to act ecologically and sustainably in every aspect and to make our contribution to climate protection.

Start a more sustainable
future with fileee - without any paperwork.

Check out our smart solutions
DSGVO Compliant
Developed and hosted in Germany
© 2025 fileee. All Rights Reserved.