
Save time and work flexibly with digital document management in the hair salon

How the TOPP&TOPP hairdressing salon manages ten years of documents from anywhere and always at hand in your pocket



> 4 h

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This is TOPP&TOPP The Hairdressers

TOPP&TOPP's motto is "everything - except ordinary" - and this is reflected not only in the customer advice and service experience with local whiskey or the sustainable products, but also in the daily office work. When Andreas and Dominik took over the hair salon a good 10 years ago, it quickly became clear that it should be as digital as possible, even if this is still rather unusual in the industry. This is because there is often a lack of affinity with technology. However, as an owner-managed company, they recognized this: Digitalization takes work off their hands, saves time and enables flexibility for the team and customers.
The TOPP&TOPP hairdressing team






Digital hair salon with DMS from the cloud
Andreas is a business economist by training and has been working with document management systems for over 30 years. He has experienced the developments on the DMS market first-hand, from complicated, unintuitive systems where every document had to be laboriously indexed to digital versions of the familiar file folders. Digitizing documents always cost Andreas too much time, either because every document had to be digitally indexed in order to ever be found again, or because every little receipt was a reason to fire up the scanner and the originals still had to be filed away in folders. Three years ago, he found the solution for his salon: fileee and the fileeeBox.
"Digitizing with other DMS systems often took up too much time for me with the indexing of individual documents or having to start the scanner just for a small receipt. Now I have the fileeeBox. I place my cell phone on top and the receipt under the scanning attachment, the app recognizes this and starts the scanning process automatically. It takes as long as taking a photo. And then I can already see on the computer how the document is analyzed. A document is captured in 2 seconds. The original goes into the box and the box goes into the cupboard. If we are looking for something, we can see in fileee which box the document is in and then color-coded where exactly in the box it is. At some point, we'll have 10 years of fileee boxes in the basement and then we can throw away the oldest one when the year is up and that's that."
Andreas Topp
Business economist & owner
Hairdressing salon TOPP&TOPP

The challenge

Even though Andreas recognized the opportunities of digitization early on and got to know many DMS systems in his professional career, digitizing documents was still often time-consuming, cumbersome and unnecessarily time-consuming. Punching holes in and filing original documents also continued to eat up time. The company was looking for an intuitive solution for SMEs that would enable location-independent working, be suitable for preparatory bookkeeping with DATEV and have the potential for automation.
"My goal is to get the office work done every morning. That includes fileee. That's easier. I want to automate a lot more in the future so that this work is taken off my hands. If there are already intelligent things that can do the work for me, I want to use them."
Andreas Topp
Business economist & owner
Hairdressing salon TOPP&TOPP

The solution

Today, TOPP&TOPP manage all documents digitally in fileee. They mainly use the import of digital documents via email forwarding to the private fileee address. With the help of commands in the subject line, Andreas can tag documents directly when forwarding them or share them in Spaces. Using the full-text search, he has found every document, even if the metadata such as sender or recipient has not been entered in the contact field. TOPP&TOPP work primarily with tags to structure the documents and have also created digital personnel files in this way. Andreas simply exports tax-relevant documents to DATEV for the tax consultant. Using tasks, Andreas has also created an overview of upcoming account activities in fileee so that he can view open items directly and never miss a payment again.
"We work a lot with tags because it's the most effective way for us. I can give a document several tags and thus structure it well. So a document can be accounting - then it's accounting for March 2023, then it's accounting that relates to the cash register, or accounting that relates to a specific account. Or for the digital personnel file, we have the tags personnel file and the employee's name as well as other more specific tags such as finance. I can then select the tags and only those documents are displayed that have exactly these tags. You can then either automate the tag assignment or sit down in the morning and move the 10 or 15 documents from the previous day, file them in a legally compliant manner and archive them."
Andreas Topp
Business economist & owner
Hairdressing salon TOPP&TOPP
"It's really easy for me, especially when it comes to the annual financial statements or when the tax consultant has queries, because we have all the documents digitally. It's just great for us that we can access our documents from anywhere with any Internet connection, whether it's a laptop or a cell phone. I no longer have to make an extra trip to the office, even if I just want to do a quick job at the weekend. I can open my laptop and have all my documents to hand. For a hairdressing salon, location-independent working is not so important at first glance, but if we go on vacation, we can help and solve problems at any time. But even if you need some information during a conversation in a café, I have the answer in my pocket and can look it up on my phone straight away."
Andreas Topp
Business economist & owner TOPP&TOPP

WEBINAR: How the hair salon Topp&Topp manages documents from anywhere with the fileee DMS app

Whether in the supermarket or on the beach in Thailand: being able to access documents from anywhere is a game changer for Andreas Topp from TOPP&TOPP DIE FRISEURE. Find out how Topp&Topp hair salon digitizes and manages all documents with the help of fileee. This webinar uses a best practice example to show you how quickly you can bring structure to your company's bookkeeping and save valuable time. Get concentrated expertise followed by a Q&A.

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