
Minimal time required despite large document volumes in e-commerce

How the e-commerce store manages over 10,000 documents in fileee and finds all documents at any time despite minimal effort
mobile scans
Documents in fileee

This is

Michael Dietrich has turned his hobby into a sideline and offers a very wide range of different barbecue brands and products at Although customers can view products on site in the barbecue garage, the majority of his sales are generated via his own online store and other e-commerce marketplaces.
Website of

The time-eater: paperwork

Michael Dietrich recognized the opportunities of digitalization over ten years ago and digitized a large number of his documents during this time. However, with his e-commerce store and the increasing number of retailers and manufacturers, the paperwork also grew, whether as paper documents or digital files.
Michael discovered fileee to manage this paperwork and find everything quickly despite the large volume of documents and has been using it to manage both his business and private documents since 2022.
"As a company, you have corresponding retention obligations. And anyone who has ever been through a tax audit knows what challenges this can entail. It's very, very important for me to have a central location where I can store all company-relevant documents, which is securely encrypted and audit-proof."
Michael Dietrich
Founder & Managing Director

The challenge

Even though is a small company, as an e-commerce store with various manufacturers and suppliers and an increasing number of orders, a lot of documents quickly accumulate. Over 80% of the documents are already delivered digitally, which reduces the pile of paper on the desk, but also brings with it the challenge of digital organization to quickly find documents again. Digitizing the paper documents also took up twice as much time, as both the original and the file now had to be archived. Many software solutions proved to be too cumbersome or complex when tried out.
"fileee has a very, very simple structure and is very, very clearly laid out. I don't think it took me 10 minutes to understand the structure and be able to work with it. Anyone using it for the first time: it's very, very intuitively designed, you get to grips with it very, very quickly."
Michael Dietrich
Founder & Managing Director

The solution

With fileee, can both archive the large number of documents and find everything again quickly without having to invest a lot of time in administration. Michael Dietrich primarily uses e-mail forwarding and the scanner to import documents. Using the scanner or e-mail forwarding rules, Michael Dietrich automatically assigns tags and divides documents into corresponding spaces so that the workload for digital management is minimal, even with large volumes of documents. Over 85% of documents are automatically structured in fileee in this way. With full-text recognition and filters, Michael can find any document on his cell phone in no time at all. And thanks to the task function, he never misses a payment deadline, even with a large number of incoming invoices.
"The document analysis with full-text recognition and automatic naming is one of the most important functions for me, which supports me in my daily work. I send the document to fileee via e-mail, the full-text recognition recognizes which sender the document comes from, so it is named accordingly; it recognizes whether it is an invoice and which invoice items are in it, and what else is very, very important and a crucial point for me: If the invoice is recognized, fileee even shows me when the invoice is due. And I automatically receive an email from fileee as a reminder that your task is due, so that I don't miss any incoming invoices to pay. And of course, in my business, where you receive many different incoming invoices via many different channels, it's always tricky to keep track of them all. That's where fileee supports me."
Michael Dietrich
Founder & Managing Director
"As you can see, I receive around 150 documents per month, which is not exactly a small number. And if you calculate just two or three minutes per document to process a document - although two or three minutes probably won't be enough if I look at a document in paper form, punch holes in it and file it in the folder - then I'm probably quickly at five minutes per document. The majority of documents come to fileee electronically, which means I don't even have to touch them, I don't do anything, so I definitely save time. And for every document that comes in paper form: unpacking, scanning and into the fileee box, that's less than two minutes that I need for a document until it's filed accordingly and stored in fileee. It saves me a lot of time."
Michael Dietrich
Founder & Managing Director

WEBINAR: Best practice DMS for e-commerce stores: How manages documents with fileee DMS

All incoming and outgoing invoices in one place: Learn how the online store manages documents completely digitally with fileee and communicates with the tax advisor. This webinar uses a best practice example to show you how you can easily import many documents into fileee, just like in an e-commerce store, and how the intuitive DMS together with the fileeeBox replaces cumbersome paper filing. Get concentrated expertise with subsequent live Q&A for your open questions.

You still have open questions or don't know exactly which fileee product is right for you?

Feel free to contact us and schedule a free consultation.
We have updated our pricing. Nothing has changed for private customers. Brand new: fileee Business
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DSGVO Compliant
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