
fileee wins Insurance IT Innovation Award

Nov 3, 2016

A few months ago, we already reported that we are developing new business areas with our partner and investor. Specifically, we want to simplify and revolutionise communication with companies. The focus is on fileee as a communication platform, especially the various company profiles that we currently maintain.

As a successful example of the digitalisation of the interface between customers and insurers, fileee has now been awarded the "Insurance IT-Innovation Award". The Competence Centre "Sourcing in the Financial Industry" of the Universities of Leipzig and St. Gallen awarded the innovative concept at the Business Engineering Forum in Zurich.

Insurance companies are trying to digitally map their processes by operating online customer portals and their own apps. In practice, however, the acceptance of these portals by users is low. Complex authentication, a separate app for each provider, remembering access passwords: First and foremost, customer portals benefit insurance companies. They are not very convenient for the customer, but fileee aims to change that.

In the video below, you can see how fileee can be used in the insurance context for the billing of services for privately insured persons:


Our partner, ITyX Solutions AG, helps us with the implementation. ITyX develops intelligent solutions to automate and optimise the communication and service processes of larger companies. ITyX's know-how enables us to link fileee with companies' existing service solutions.

Do you use the current online offers of your insurer? How satisfied are you with them? And what do you think of our approach?

Tobias Emmerich

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