
fileee wins "We Do Digital" award from DIHK

Jul 23, 2018

fileee is the winner of the "We Do Digital" award of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce.The award was presented at CEBIT 2018 by Digital Minister Dorothee Bär and Managing Director of the DIHK, Dr. Martin Wansleben.The award was presented by Managing Director of the DIHK, Dr. Martin Wansleben, at the closing ceremony at CEBIT. A total of over 300 companies from 166 cities in Germany took part.

We Do Digital Award 2018 fileee

fileee received an award in particular for its open C2B platform, which was developed entirely from the customer's point of view. With the C2B platform, companies can send a wide variety of documents to their customers digitally and in a legally secure manner. In particular, however, more complex use cases such as application and service processes or mobile customer portals can be mapped. For this purpose, a diverse range of functions is available with technologies such as mobile capture, AI-based data extraction, chat and self-service or even the integration of the electronic signature.As a practical example, the digital assistant of SIGNAL IDUNA Bauspar AG can be mentioned here, in which a construction financing process was implemented on the basis of the C2B platform. In particular, the integration of the sales force also plays a major role here.Special congratulations from the digital ministerThenew digital minister Dorothee Bär was also present at the award ceremony, personally congratulating our CEO Marius on the award and emphasising the importance of digital customer communication.

We Do Digital Award 2018 fileee Dorothee Bär Marius Gerwinn

Digitalisation drastically changes customer communication Digitalisation drastically changes customer expectations of communication with companies. Thanks to fileee and the C2B platform, communication between customers and companies is now direct, simple, transparent and secure. Thanks to the iOS, Android and web app, the process is possible from any end device, anytime and anywhere, and it is completely digital and without media breaks.

Steffen Eusterholz

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