
fileee review of the year 2015

Dec 24, 2015

A lot happened at fileee last year. Now, at Christmas, we want to look back at 2015 and get your feedback for 2016.

Directly to the feedback

fileee team & new office

We have had a lot of new additions to the team. In the area of design, Zuza, Tobias and Meggy joined us in 2015 and are helping us to get off to a flying start in the new year with new and fresh designs and also to further advance the usability of the apps. Aymen and Preet helped to bring the Android app up to the same level as the iOS app, and Daniel and Suneel have been supporting us since this year with the further development of the web app. Behind the scenes, Tobias is helping us to further improve the analysis so that we can recognise document information even more reliably in the future. In the area of marketing, Britta, Robin and Kassiani joined us this year and are now helping to make fileee better known in the world. If you are a little confused now - yes, we now have three Tobias' working for us :-)
We are super happy to start the new year with the best fileee team ever and our new office!


In addition to numerous smaller projects, we also went public with our first physical product, the fileeeBox, this year. To promote the box, we attended numerous trade fairs, such as the Cebit, the HUB Conference and the dmexco, which enabled us to collect more than 2,500 pre-registrations for the box so far. In a usability test with more than 100 testers, we received helpful feedback and a super positive response. All testers were enthusiastic about the box and the feedback was used to further improve the box. After a long optimisation process, we then entered into negotiations with various manufacturers. Unfortunately, the mills grind slower here than we would have hoped. We are trying to achieve an attractive price for you and are well on the way. Please understand that we cannot make any binding statements beforehand about the time of ordering and delivery. We are of course pleased that the interest continues to be so great. Further pre-registrations and recommendations for the fileeeBox continue to help us enormously.

In order for the fileeeBox to work at all, some changes had to be made in the fileee apps. The implementation of the fileeeBox really took us a lot of time, but is now as good as finished. At the moment, we are only working on minor bug fixes and usability.

fileee apps

In addition to the fileeeBox feature, our developers focused on improving the general stability and security of fileee this year, which meant that nothing stood in the way of going live. This included, among other things, a new innovative encryption, the server move and the official release of the apps for iOS, Android and our web app. Many of the built-in improvements are more in the background of the apps and ensure that fileee runs more stable and faster. Here is a small selection of new features and improvements for the respective platforms:


  • Tours and explanations to improve usability
  • Importing images from the Photo Gallery
  • all settings are now retained even after logout or a change of device
  • Better document recognition when scanning
  • Share documents as link and download as PDF
  • Faster synchronisation
  • Reduction of battery consumption


  • Completely revised mode when archiving
  • Improvements in the individual view of a document
  • Edit meta-information of documents (invoice amount, customer number, etc.)
  • Over 500 other small improvements & optimisations


  • Possibility of linking box and OneDrive
  • Synchronisation option via WebDAV
  • Export of all documents as backup
  • Improvement of the full text search
  • Optimising the processing speed of documents

Outlook and feedback 2016

In 2016, we are focusing on two major topics. We want to make sure that the fileeeBox is on your desks as quickly as possible and are therefore negotiating intensively with possible manufacturers. In addition, we want to launch fileee Premium and other functions in the middle of the year alongside our free version. But now it's your turn - how satisfied are you with fileee and what do you want from us for 2016? Take two minutes to complete our mini-survey and help shape fileee according to your wishes: Mini-survey

Thank you for your great support in 2015! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2016!

The entire fileee team.

Tobias Emmerich

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