
Your companies directly in fileee

Feb 24, 2016

Many of you have wished that you could receive documents more easily digitally - we want to take care of this in the future. In the context of the closure of, we have already indicated that we are developing new business areas with our partner and investor. Specifically, we want to simplify and revolutionise communication with companies. The focus is on fileee as a communication platform, especially the various company profiles that we currently maintain. To give you a better idea, here is an example:

Classic customer service

Annoying and time-consuming

Imagine it's the first day of the month and you receive your mobile phone bill as usual (by e-mail, by post or, even more complicated, via one of many customer portals). You notice that the bill amount is much higher than usual and you want to ask your mobile phone provider how this can be. What would be the classic procedure?

First of all, you have to look for the appropriate contact options and contact details. If you're lucky, they'll be on the invoice. Otherwise, you have to do some research on Google or on the provider's website. Depending on where you are and what you are doing, you may have to postpone the whole thing until after work, when you actually have better things to do.

Once you have found the right phone number, you usually end up in a waiting loop. It is rather the exception that you then land directly with the right service employee. Once you have found the right person, you first have to authenticate yourself using several security measures, depending on the enquiry. This can be your date of birth or a customer password that was assigned solely for support (who actually has this in mind or knows where they wrote it down?). If you are unlucky, you will have to have your contract and invoice number ready in addition to the customer password and then enter them manually before you can actually be helped.

What is often left at the end of this time-consuming process is an annoyed customer. And we want to change that together with our partner ITyX by helping companies integrate their communication offers and service processes into fileee.

Customer service via fileee

Receive documents digitally and communicate digitally

What many have wished for is that they could receive their invoices, contracts, etc. more easily. Instead of having to log in to all the customer portals, for example, companies could also make documents available directly via fileee. If you are a customer of provider X, you could voluntarily connect to this company via fileee and the monthly bill would then be automatically loaded into your personal fileee account. If you have a question about a bill or want to change or cancel your contract, you could do this directly via fileee and no longer have to go through the traditional and annoying support process. In concrete terms, what would the process be like if you contacted a company via fileee?

Via the company profile or the relevant document, one can easily choose from several contact options (e.g. chat, (video) call or e-mail). During or before the contact is established, data can be forwarded for authentication as well as for specification of the contact. This can be, for example, the name, date of birth and, depending on the document, the invoice, contract or customer number. The service employee then knows immediately who is contacting him and why, e.g. in relation to the current invoice. As a customer, you are no longer passed around and speak directly with the appropriate employee who, in the best case, already knows roughly why you are contacting him. If the employee needs other documents or records, these can then be released directly via fileee. The release of the documents can then be automatically cancelled after the contact has been made.

Advantages for you as a user:

By connecting with businesses through fileee,

  • you can receive documents more easily digitally
  • you can contact and communicate with companies more easily
  • you save time and nerves

Data protection and security remain at the forefront:

As with all other topics, it is important to us that no false impression is created and that we respond openly and honestly to possible concerns. After all, fileee is about managing your private documents. Very important:

  • the connection with companies is voluntary
  • as a fileee user, you can also not be connected to any single company
  • no data is automatically passed on to companies
  • When connecting with a company, only the data that is already known anyway due to the business relationship is exchanged
  • when you contact a company, you can decide for yourself which data is transferred

Our partner ITyX

Our partner, ITyX Solutions AG, helps us with the implementation. ITyX develops intelligent solutions to automate and optimise the communication and service processes of larger companies. ITyX's know-how enables us to link fileee with companies' existing service solutions.

Your opinion is needed

What do you think of the idea that companies make documents available to you directly via fileee and that you can communicate with the companies? What questions, ideas or wishes do you have? We look forward to your messages via

Tobias Emmerich

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