
The fileeeBox is coming!

Apr 14, 2016

The fileeeBox goes into production

The 6 weeks are over and our summary is more than positive. We have received an incredible amount of feedback and have reached 73% of our order target within a short period of time. Thank you very much for your great support. To cut a long story short: The question that is surely burning under the nails of many, we answer today clearly with YES! - The fileeeBox is going into production.

With the many orders and your feedback behind us, we have decided to start production shortly. However, it is still possible to pre-order. Those who have not yet ordered should not hesitate too long and quickly secure a fileeeBox from the first limited production series. As a thank you for all those who have already ordered and as an incentive for those who are still unsure, we have an additional offer:

Use the fileeeBox advantage

From the middle of the year, we want to start with the first premium features. From then on, there will be a monthly upload limit of probably 25 documents per month for the free use of fileee. We have decided that all documents scanned and managed with the fileeeBox will not be affected by this limit. This offer is initially limited to the boxes from the first production series.

Delivery and further info

The expected delivery of the boxes is still scheduled for the end of June. We can only give an exact date as soon as production has started. You can find more details on our fileeeBox page. You are also welcome to post your own questions here. From now on, we will keep you informed about the progress at regular intervals and let you know immediately if there is any news.

The entire fileee team would like to thank all testers and orderers for their great support. Together with you, we have managed to develop an idea into a product and now finally have it produced.

Tobias Emmerich

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