
Update fileeeBox July

Jul 22, 2016

It has been a little quiet since our last newsletter at the beginning of June. We are sorry about that and promise to do better. Some people seem to have lost our newsletter from 07.06.2016 in the pre-summer rush, so here is a brief summary:

Unfortunately, we can no longer meet the targeted delivery date for the end of June due to a change of manufacturer. The actual manufacturer recently had to file for insolvency. This came as a complete surprise and hit us pretty hard ourselves. Due to our previous contacts, however, we were able to find a new manufacturer immediately. In the last 2 weeks, we have clarified contractual details and delivery conditions with the new manufacturer and have now started the order process.

However, this postpones the expected delivery date to September.

We sincerely apologise for this delay. The circumstances have caused us sleepless nights ourselves and we are glad that we have come to a solution so quickly. Unfortunately, even with the best planning, we have no influence on such external factors and therefore hope for your understanding.
As an apology for the extended waiting time, we are giving all orderers 3 months of fileee Premium worth €15 in addition to the fileeeBox benefit as soon as we launch the first Premium functions in late summer.

In spite of everything, we have been busy in the last few weeks. In addition to the actual boxes and attachments, we have tested and ordered all accessories and the necessary electronic parts. These include:

  • 8000 fixers that attach to the attachment and hold the smartphone in the perfect position
  • 4000 LED rails, cables, 2000 power supply units and 2000 switches required for the lighting of the top unit
  • 2000 NFC tags so that the app starts directly in scan mode on Android smartphones
  • 2000 instructions included with every order to help with set-up

In the meantime, the fixers, the NFC tags and the instructions have already arrived and we have been able to start with the first small assembly work. 2000 bags with 4 fixers each need to be packed first ;)

In the coming days we expect the delivery of the remaining electronics and soon we also want to look over the shoulder of our German manufacturer during production.

If you have any questions, please feel free to write to us at

Tobias Emmerich

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