
Status update fileeeBox production & shipping beginning of October

Oct 2, 2016

This week we have received a lot of requests to send out the fileeeBox. Of course we understand that you are eagerly waiting for your order. Therefore, here is a summary of the state of affairs:

We have started the delivery as announced. However, our manufacturer can only prepare a limited number of packages for dispatch each day. Please understand that a shipping routine must first be established. After initial difficulties, approx. 60 complete setsare now prepared for dispatch and delivered daily.

We would like to ship significantly more per day, but due to a change in the design of the scan attachment, the assembly time has also increased significantly. Instead of the planned 4 minutes, the assembly of a single attachment involves almost 9 minutes of manual labour. This is due to the magnets that ensure that the attachment stays in place on the box. During tests, some of these magnets fell off again. We didn't want to put anyone through that. That's why we now use cardboard blanks to protect the magnets and use individual adhesive savings on all magnetic surfaces. Attachments that have already been produced are reinforced accordingly.

Old construction with open magnet
New construction with circular blank

The magnets are then applied to the markings on the underside of the attachment together with the circular blanks.

Upper and lower part of the scan attachments
Upper and lower part of the scan attachments

We are sorry if it was communicated or implied in different places that everyone would receive their order directly in September. Like the production, the commissioning and delivery of the boxes is new territory for us and therefore not without errors or misjudgements on our part. Of course, everyone is still free to cancel their order. Of course, we hope that you will be able to wait out the last few days on the home stretch with us.

Please understand that we cannot give an exact date for your individual delivery. We assume that the manufacturer will be able to increase the daily shipping volume a little more through routine and that the last order will be processed by the end of October at the latest. As a matter of principle, shipping will take place in the order in which orders are received. Exceptions to this are larger orders (e.g. if you have ordered more than one set) or deliveries to DHL packing stations. We have to process these individually, as we ship by GLS as standard.

As soon as your parcel has been sent, you will receive another e-mail with the option to track the shipment.

Tobias Emmerich

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