
How is fileee different from other cloud providers?

Jul 6, 2017

Every now and then we are asked how fileee differs from other cloud providers. In this article, I would like to discuss the main differences. fileee naturally offers many functions that other cloud services also offer. For example, you can access your documents from anywhere, whether at home on your PC or on the go via your smartphone. You can also download your documents as PDF files or share them with others in various ways. While most cloud providers such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive serve as a universal solution for storing files in the cloud, fileee focuses specifically on document management. I explain how this looks in practice in the following points:

The fileee analysis


After you have uploaded a document, it is automatically analysed. The app automatically recognises what kind of document it is and sorts it according to invoice, contract, payslip, receipt and much more. In addition, the sender and recipient are automatically recognised, as is the invoice amount for invoices. When you open a document, you have all the important information at a glance. In addition, reading out this information helps you to find documents again, which I will discuss in the next point.


While most cloud services require you to sort your files into folder structures, fileee does most of the sorting automatically. By recognising the type of document, sender, date of issue, etc., you can use the filter function to display all invoices issued to you by Deutsche Telekom between March and August 2016, for example, with just a few clicks. Or you can filter your documents by cash vouchers for a certain period, which you have previously given the tag "Tax 2016".


In addition, fileee offers you a full text search. This means that you can use the fileee search to search the contents of all your documents for specific terms. If you need all documents in which the name of a certain person is mentioned, you only need to enter this into the search field and the corresponding documents will be displayed.


fileee offers you the possibility to add reminders to your documents. If you want to transfer an invoice at a later date or don't want to miss the cancellation deadline of a contract, you can be conveniently reminded by the fileee app. Simply tap on the alarm clock icon next to the desired document and select the date on which you want to be reminded.

Add documents in different ways

fileee offers you a wide range of options for loading your documents into your account. Via the web app, you can simply drag and drop documents into your account. You can also link folders from cloud services such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive. You can forward emails with documents attached to them to your personal fileee email address and they will automatically be uploaded to your account. The mobile app for iOS and Android allows you to scan documents using the camera. The app automatically cuts the document to size.  


Unlike most large cloud providers, whose servers are located in the USA, ours are in Strasbourg. There, they are subject to the stricter German data protection regulations, as the data centre operator PlusServer is a German service provider.



If you decide to use fileee in combination with the fileeeBox, it also offers you a convenient way to quickly find documents that you want to store in analogue form. The box has a colour scale. After you have scanned a document in connection with the box, you simply place it in the box and the app remembers where it is in the box. This way you can quickly find documents again. And you don't have to file or categorise them in a folder.

No items found.

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