
Chef's lunch with fileee and beeline

Jul 18, 2017

Did you know that your employer can pay subsidies for your lunch? The federal government even supports companies in doing so. In this context, the state waives wage tax and social security contributions or levies a flat-rate tax.

Didn't you know? It's probably because the whole process is quite time-consuming and your boss doesn't want to spend even more time on paperwork and the whole process.

Employee benefits with beeline

The company beeline from Münster has set itself the goal of changing this. beeline benefits offers the processing of employee benefits such as meal allowances. In the process, employees and companies save not only through the saved payroll taxes, but also through the simple, digital process.

Instead of annoying meal vouchers, you decide yourself what and where you want to have lunch - whether it's a restaurant, bakery or supermarket. Your boss can give you up to €6.27 a day with tax relief, up to 15 times a month. The receipts are simply photographed and loaded into the beeline benefits account. The reimbursement is then made with the next pay slip. beeline takes care of all the paperwork for your boss.

Link fileee with beeline

Scan and forward receipts? We can do that quite well, we thought, and together with beeline we built a linking option in fileee. From now on, you can share receipts directly from fileee with your beeline account. We tried out how the whole thing works together with beeline 's JobLunch programme for a few weeks and were busy having lunch:

beeline fileee account

As soon as your boss has an account with beeline, he or she can create an employee account for you. Here you can see which benefits you can use, how much money you have available and what you will be reimbursed at the end of the month. To make uploading receipts even easier, you can link beeline to your fileee account. The beeline button then appears on the documents, allowing you to share your receipts with your beeline account with just one click:

Using it is just as easy as setting it up. From now on, it's simply a case of: eat your lunch, scan your receipts and look forward to the reimbursement at the end of the month.
Now you just have to convince your boss!

Tobias Emmerich

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