
fileee as API Sponsor at the Talanx Hackathon

Mar 29, 2018

Together with Talanx, we want to further advance the topic of digitalisation. Talanx is organising a three-day hackathon especially for this purpose, at which 120 clever minds will take on real challenges from renowned companies. We are taking part and making our API available. You can find out exactly what the whole thing means here ...

Think.Build.Innovate is the motto of the Talanx Hack{IT}Over Hackathon. In just 30 hours, the participants are to come up with creative solutions to exciting challenges in the field of digitalisation. The cases will be provided by top-class companies and will cover the topics of mobility, the working world of the future and speech recognition.

Talanx Hackathon Challenges

Interface for companies

For the event, we are making our new API available for the first time. As some of you may have noticed, we now not only want to make life easier for private individuals, but are also increasingly offering our platform to businesses. They can then use fileee, for example, to send you the traditional electricity bill directly via fileee. In addition, we are currently working on a holistic solution with which companies can map complete customer processes securely and digitally.

Customer communication via fileee

I'm sure all of you have experienced this: You've just moved to a new city and just want to give your new address to the electricity or internet provider. What sounds like a two-minute task ends in absolute chaos. You're constantly on hold, documents are needed that you didn't even know existed and so on. We want to change that!

Instead, companies can use our C2B platform in the future to automate these processes digitally. If a customer wants to change his address, for example, he simply writes an email to his provider. The service programme recognises his request and automatically sends a reply. This contains a link to an online form in which the customer can enter his new address. The online form is based on the fileee apps, but works separately from the actual fileee application in the web browser.

Everything is possible with our platform, from name changes to the complete conclusion of a contract. The functions can be used bundled via our API, which is basically an interface between fileee and the companies.

Sponsor at the Hackathon

It is exactly this API that we will make available to the coders at Hack{IT}Over. We are really looking forward to seeing what the participants will tinker with in the short time available.

In addition to a top-class jury, Frank Thelen will also be a keynote speaker at the hackathon. Five other partners are also making their API available: Github, Franke & Bornberg, PRECIRE, Figo and optiopay.

If you want to try out our API yourself or are generally keen on an exciting weekend with the prospect of €10,000 in prize money, you should register as soon as possible. The deadline for registration is 15 April. You can find more information at

What do you say? Are you also annoyed by the excessive bureaucracy of some companies? Are you a true hacker who is on fire for the topic of digitalisation?

Tobias Emmerich

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