
The 5 best tools for everyday office life - coordination made easy

Oct 11, 2018

Communication and organisation in the office can sometimes be quite a nuisance. If you also have to coordinate in a larger company, things can quickly get out of hand. In order not to lose the overview and, above all, to work more productively, there is now a whole range of web-based tools that make your everyday office life much easier. Today, we present our top 5 tools that we use ourselves on a daily basis at fileee.

1. trello

Trello is a project management tool that helps you stay on top of things. Simply collect all your ideas and tasks in Trello and then add people, checklists, due dates, comments or pictures. The different projects can then be divided into different Trello boards, which you work on together with your employees. Because everything is organised directly in Trello, you can always check the status quo and save yourself the annoying enquiries.

If you want to increase your productivity even more, you should definitely create lists in Trello in which you sort the tasks according to time urgency. This way, you always know what you have to do next and can better plan which tasks you want to complete during the day or week. In addition, you should create a "Done" list in which you drag all completed tasks. This way you can always see what you have already done and motivate yourself. You can then simply archive the list every one to two weeks.


2. evernote

Evernote is a digital notebook in which you can write down everything from short bullet points to major research. In addition, you can cut out articles from the internet, photograph paper notes and insert graphics. The notes are constantly synchronised in the cloud, so nothing gets lost and you can access them from any device at any time. In addition, you can tag your notes similar to fileee, find them again at any time via a full text search and add reminders. If you prefer a classic folder system, you can also simply save your notes in notebooks.

The finished notes can then be shared with others via a link, similar to Dropbox, Google Drive & Co, or presented directly via Evernote.3. Lightshot


3. lightshot

Lightshot is a screenshot tool that allows you to capture the entire screen or only parts of the desktop. It lets you edit the screenshot with an editor before saving it. You can add text, arrows, small sketches or markings directly to the screenshot.

You can then save the finished screenshots on your hard drive, copy them to the clipboard, share them on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest or upload them to the LightShot Cloud. There you can even edit the images further thanks to online image editing and convert them into any file format.


4. doodle

When it's time for a team event again, we use a Doodle survey in our office to find the perfect date without any effort or stress. You can use Doodle free of charge as a web app. With the help of simple step-by-step instructions, Doodle lets you create a table in which you then enter possible dates and times. The whole thing takes less than five minutes. You can now invite your colleagues to select their available dates in the table by e-mail or by copying a link. Once everyone has submitted their desired appointment, you will receive an overview of the commitments for each individual appointment. You can also directly display the date on which most of your colleagues have accepted.

Doodle now also has a practical calendar integration, but registration is required for this. For companies, there is also Doodle Premium, which is completely ad-free and, among other features, allows you to customise the surveys, send calendar invitations and set up your own subdomain.

5. slack

Communication in a larger team can sometimes be a real challenge. One person uses messenger on their mobile phone, another Skype and yet another can only be reached by email. Then somehow files have to be exchanged among each other... How good that Slack exists!

Slack is like a chat room for your office, where you can stay in touch with your colleagues either via a private message or topic-related public channels. Slack supports all common file formats and displays a preview directly in the chat. If you need the sent files or a message again, you can easily find them again via the search function.

The really unique thing about Slack, however, is that a whole bunch of services can be linked. This means, for example, that you receive your latest Twitter messages directly as a message in a Slack channel. We let ourselves be informed directly via Slack about app crashes, for example, so that we can react more quickly.

Which tools do you use to make your everyday office life easier? Do you know of any better alternatives? In any case, we look forward to receiving your suggestions!

Tobias Emmerich

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