
fileee Year in Review 2018

Dec 21, 2018

At the end of the year, we want to look back with you and get your feedback. A lot happened at fileee in 2018, and we have summarised the highlights for you. You can also tell us what you think in our mini-survey. We will raffle 1 fileeeBox Set 2.0 and 1 voucher for a premium annual subscription among all participants:


2018 was a successful year for fileee. Last year, we were even able to double our user numbers. More than 34,000 users registered with us in 2018, which means there are now 70,000 fileee users. And they are all very fluent: around 1,000,000 documents were uploaded in 2018. Our C2B business has also grown strongly. 10 business partners are already using fileee to handle their customer processes, including Signal Iduna Bausparkasse and VGH Versicherungen. Thank you for your support.

Highlights 2018

April 2018: fileee as API sponsor Talanx Hackathon

28.04.18, Hanover, Photo: Henning Scheffen

In April, fileee was the official API sponsor at the Talanx Hackathon. 120 hackers had 30 hours to develop an innovative idea in the areas of the working world of the future, mobility or voice recognition. The 23 prototypes were presented on the last day and really blew us away. From automatic damage analysis to intelligent coordination of caregivers to smart insurance advisor placement, there were some highly exciting ideas. A handful of teams also used functions of the fileee API for their solution. One team, for example, used fileee in digital application sections. This allowed them to fill out contracts digitally directly from their smartphone or tablet and sign them in a legally secure way.

May 2018: DSGVO adaptation

On 25 May, the EU's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. The internet was bombarded with information, details and precautionary measures. The most important thing to summarise: the use of fileee and our new C2B platform is DSGVO-compliant. As a business customer, you can now request a contract for commissioned data processing.

June 2018: CEBIT

Since 2011, we have regularly exhibited at CEBIT with fileee. In addition to many important business contacts, we also presented our fileeeBox here in 2015. In 2018, CEBIT took place in the summer for the first time - and what nobody knew at the time: also for the last time. We would like to thank CEBIT for the many great and successful trade fair appearances we were able to celebrate in Hanover!

June 2018: Cooperation with Dropscan - direct fileee connection

Back then, we were already excited about the idea of having one's mailbox digitised and receiving mail directly as a PDF. In the summer, the time had finally come: Dropscan and fileee started their first cooperation! From now on, you can transfer your digitised mail from Dropscan directly and completely automatically to fileee.

June 2018: Signal Iduna DBA goes live

Together with Signal Iduna Bauspar AG, we developed the digital construction financing assistant and went live this summer. Anyone who has ever applied for financing knows how much paperwork this means. The Construction Financing Assistant supports the customer digitally via the fileee app, from the application to the payment. The app displays an overview of the necessary documents, which can be uploaded independently via scan or upload function. This gives the customer an overview of the processing status of the financing, regardless of time and location, and allows him or her to make payments independently.

June 2018: Open Integration Hub Award

In June, fileee was awarded a grant of 10,000€ by Cloud-EcoSystem e.V.. The aim is to develop a connector for the Open Integration Hub. The OIH is an open platform for the standardised exchange of data - ideal for linking fileee with many other services. The OIH is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, among others. We would like to thank you very much for the funding!

August 2018: VGH, ÖVB and ÖSA ePostboxes go live

fileee makes digital access to all your insurance documents possible. Since August, the digital mailboxes of VGH, ÖVB and ÖSA Versicherung have been available. Via the ePostbox developed by fileee, the insurance companies deliver your documents automatically, digitally and securely. You no longer have to register in customer portals or scan your mail.

November 2018: Get the cash TV appearance

fileee was on TV this year. We competed with the fileeeBox on the RTL show "HOL DIR DIE KOHLE!". In just 100 seconds, inventors and business people can present their ideas to the studio audience, which then decides who advances to the next round. We made it to the final round, but then had to admit defeat to three other great inventions. Despite everything, the response to our presentation was super positive and we gained a lot of new fileee users as a result.

November 2018: fileeeBox 2.0 Release

Three years after the first prototype and 10,000 fileeeBoxes and sets sold, we sat down again, analysed everything and improved the fileeeBox with the help of your feedback. This mainly concerns the quality of the material, the integration of the magnets and the reliability of the electronics. We also thought about the packaging and decided on small design changes. The new improved fileeeBox 2.0 can be ordered here.

Thank you for your support in 2018, and have a great New Year!

Your fileee team

Tobias Emmerich

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