
100,000 users, what do you know!

Sep 19, 2019

We say THANK YOU! Thank you to all our fileee users who have been with us from the beginning and to everyone who has joined us along the way. fileee was founded 8 years ago in 2011 and since then we have become a team of over 30 motivated people. We speak 12 different languages, have sent out over 12,000 fileeeBox products and have already reached over 100,000 users!

Once upon a time... 2011 at the WWU Münster. The idea to simplify paperwork and thus everyday life was born out of a seminar. Thus the mission of fileee was born: "Less paperwork, more time for you!" Over the years, fileee attracted more and more attention with its digital vision of the future. The first nominations for awards trickled in and fileee succeeded in winning several prizes: Ercis Launchpad, 2b Ahead Think Tank - Best Business Model, IT Gipfel - startup battle.

fileees Milestones

In 2013, fileee finally found its long-term and reliable partner ITyX. An intensive period of tinkering and designing followed. In 2015, we got serious and launched the fileee app for all operating systems. A year later, things went from strength to strength: in 2016, we succeeded in developing a premium version of fileee as well as a fileeeBox, which is still being revised and further developed today. The idea from the first prototypes to today's design can be found in the short success story of the fileeeBox. The digital vision of the future finally reached the corporate sector in 2016. fileee founded a C2B (consumer-to-business) platform that is still unique today for the digitalisation of customer communication. Our biggest partners are mainly banks and insurance companies, which naturally have a high volume of document exchanges.

Our mission

Our mission

With these significant milestones, the fileee team also grew. Today, fileee employs over 30 people in all kinds of areas. We all share the original vision of putting an end to paperwork and accompanying private individuals and companies on their way into the digital age. There are literally no limits here: all in all, the fileee team represents a wide variety of nationalities and speaks a total of 12 languages: German, English, Polish, Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian, Swedish, Arabic, Hindi, Telugu and of course several programming languages ;)

Every day we try to further develop our services to make digital document-based processes in everyday life simple and secure. This diversity makes it possible to make the services accessible to everyone from every culture, with every age and every life model and to integrate them into their everyday lives.


Thank you

In the meantime, 100,000 users are using fileee to put an end to paperwork. Private customers, business customers, self-employed people or partner companies organise their paperwork with fileee - do their tax returns, get reminded of deadlines and organise their everyday life. All of this is done stress-free with as little work as possible and can be accessed digitally at any time and from any location.

As you know, we always welcome your feedback to make fileee even better for you. You are also welcome to simply praise us. We recently received the following feedback: fileee "(...) is (...) a very good and simple filing system that will hopefully be around for a long time to come. To this we can only say: THANK YOU and yes, the path of fileee does not stop for a long time.

As part of our 100,000 User Special, you can take part in our #myfileeeBox photo challenge and win a brand new fileeeBox 2.0. We wish you lots of success!

#myfileeebox winner


The winner was... p17 GmbH, an advertising agency from Gronau! Via Instagram, their photo reached us. "We still have so many files and hardly any fileeeBoxes left!" We immediately recognised the suffering and send the much used fileeeBox directly on its way.

We wish you continued success and are happy that you are part of it. #teamfileee

User interview

We have tracked down our first users and interviewed them as part of our 100,000 user special. We asked Jens, Oliver and Armin what they particularly like about fileee and what tips they have in store for you. These were their answers.

How did you come across fileee and why did you choose it?

I researched the internet for a digital folder and had already tried similar services. Currently, I was looking for a good way to archive and manage documents and correspondence electronically. It was also important to me that I could access all my documents everywhere.

When are you particularly happy to have fileee?

I'm glad to have fileee every day, especially when I'm looking for old documents, can just whip them out and send them.

What is your favourite function?

The view of the documents. I am still fascinated by having my filing cabinet in my mobile phone. But tagging and sending documents by mail via the fileee app are also among my favourite functions.

Here are three tips from our first fileee users.

"Start as soon as possible and get rid of the old folders. Then, when you have fileee, archive everything generously." (Jens)

"Tagging is my number one tip. That way you can quickly find everything you're looking for in a few minutes." (Oliver)

"Sends invoices by mail with fileee. It doesn't get any faster than that." (Armin)

If you want to hear more from Jens, Oliver and Armin, click here. There you will find all interviews in full length. Since we also value our most dedicated users, we organised a fileee quiz in which you could win a fileeeBox set 2.0. Congratulations again to the winner! If you want to further expand your knowledge about fileee, you can find the solutions to our quiz questions here.


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