
The new fileeeBox set 2.1: New connection, new magnets and improved material

Nov 5, 2021

Spot on: We present the new improved fileeeBox set. After a long time of tinkering, we can now show you the new set in version 2.1. We have given the fileeeBox set a new connector, new magnets and improved material. Here you can find out exactly what the changes mean and why they make the fileeeBox set even better.

New connection for LED lighting

We have rethought the plug for the LED lighting in the attachment. There is now a USB port and USB-C port instead of the old plug. We have removed the mains plug so that you have more flexibility when connecting. So you can plug in your smartphone directly, your laptop or a standard USB power plug (which we all probably have at home) and power the LED. So now you don't even need a power outlet and you have even more flexibility when scanning.

New magnet at the fileeeBox

The fileeeBox, which is included in the new fileeeBox set, has also been improved. We have added a magnet to the side of the box so that you can open and close the box more quickly. You no longer need to remove the lid to close the box. This makes scanning and storing your documents even faster. Just close the flap and you're done!

Improved material

Overall, we have improved the material of the set and made it more stable and scratch-resistant. Likewise, there are also coloured labels in the new version for easier identification of the individual boxes.

The improvements so far only affect the fileeeBox set 2.1 and not the individual fileeeBox. However, we will follow suit with the versioning and also give the fileeeBox the improved material and the additional magnets, so that it will soon be called 2.1. From then on, the individual fileeeBox will also be issued with the coloured labels.

Pre-order now and save 10

We are now starting the pre-sale of the new fileeeBox sets. With the coupon code FB21PRE you will receive a 10% discount on the improved fileeeBox set throughout November. Get the new set right here and be the first to hold it in your hands. Click on "Order now" and enter the code in the shopping cart to redeem the 10%*. Please note: The new fileeeBox set will not arrive until December. But from then on, no more waiting! As soon as the set arrives, we will send you the packages immediately!

Pre-order the improved fileeeBox set now

*Thediscount only applies to the new fileeeBox set and cannot be combined with other discounts, such as 15% discount in fileee PREMIUM.

We are very pleased that you will soon be able to use the new fileeeBox set. As always, your feedback was very important to us and crucial to the improvements we have made to the current fileeeBox set. Thank you very much for that!

Jasmin Sudermann-Schaad

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