
Our new data centre

Jul 13, 2015

An important step and a significant improvement for fileee is the move to a new data centre. As with all other topics related to security and data protection, we want to address the most important aspects openly and honestly and briefly explain the advantages of the move.

Data protection

Our new servers are located in a data centre at the German provider PlusServer in Strasbourg on the border to Germany. However, this does not mean that we are subject to French data protection:

"Furthermore, data centre locations abroad are not necessarily subject to the law of the country of location. Rather, the company's registered office is decisive. This is because, according to Section 1 (5) of the BDSG, the so-called country of domicile principle applies within the European Economic Area (EEA). This means that it is not the location of the data processing that is decisive, but rather the location of the responsible body.[...] If a German responsible body transfers data to another body (within the EU or the EEA), German data protection law is applicable to the transfer itself. In the EU/EEA, it is possible to conclude a so-called commissioned data processing agreement within the meaning of Section 11 BDSG. In this case, the commissioned data processor is virtually part of the data controller itself, so that legally, according to Section 3 VIII BDSG, no transfer takes place." (Source:

This is exactly the case with the PlusServer data centre in Strasbourg. Our servers and therefore your documents and data are still protected by the stricter German data protection law.


In addition to the German data protection that continues to apply, we can further improve the security standard for your data in our new data centre. This includes, for example, the server infrastructure and the protection mechanisms of PlusServer. In addition, the move gives us the opportunity to protect the server network even better against attackers through additional security measures. Furthermore, the data centre is TÜV-certified according to ISO 27001 and has also repeatedly received the highest possible rating in the Datacenter Star Audit (DCSA) of the eco Association of the German Internet Industry.

More computing power

By moving to the new data centre, we are significantly increasing our server capacities and our computing power. This will make fileee run faster and more stable in the future. In addition, we are well prepared for further growth.

Green data centre

One of the reasons we chose the data centre in Strasbourg is that it is particularly energy-efficient and environmentally conscious. The data centre also received an award for this. For example, it is cooled with clean hydropower, which consumes 66% less energy than other data centres. The operator PlusServer also relies exclusively on green electricity in Strasbourg and pays attention to CO2 neutrality in its operations.

If you have any questions, we look forward to hearing from you:

Tobias Emmerich

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