Tips & Specials

5 tips: How do I put an end to paper chaos?

Nov 8, 2019

With all the documents and letters that are sent to us, it is easy to lose track of everything and the paperwork ends up in paper chaos. In this article, we show you how you can quickly put an end to the paper chaos.

1. download the fileee app

Of course, this is our number one recommendation. Once you have downloaded the fileee app, you will unfortunately have to search for the documents you need in the chaos. There's nothing we can do about that at first. Once you have found them, however, you scan the documents via the app and save them with tags so that you can find them again quickly at any time. You can access them anywhere, export them as PDFs or share them in the app. So the filing cabinet is always at hand. Download the app here for iOS or Android.

2. Create fileeeSpace

To never have to send or search for emails again, we recommend you create a fileeeSpace. fileeeSpaces allow you to share your documents with your accountant, family, friends, flatmates or colleagues - depending on who should have access to certain documents. You can give them permission to only view your documents, but also to edit them. This way, you can quickly communicate with each other in the app, share and release documents.

3. get yourself a fileeeBox

Let's face it: some documents we need to keep in the original. But since folders and binders tend to get overcrowded and confusing, this causes us more work and stress than necessary. Once you have scanned the invoice, you place it in the fileeeBox, enter it in the app and assign one or more tags. The tags help you find the documents even faster and keep them organised on your mobile phone at all times. If you don't know how to tag your documents, we have explained it again here.

4. be reminded of deadlines

If you miss a deadline, you will receive another letter (a reminder) and we want to prevent that. Use the reminder function to be reminded of the next payment deadline. Synchronise your calendar with the fileee app and never forget bills or deadlines again. We have explained in more detail how to synchronise your calendar with fileee here.

5. watch the chaos come to an end with fileee

What could be better than swearing off paper chaos and no longer seeing it as a burden?! We can hardly think of anything. If you have any requests or questions that would make your life with paperwork even easier, please contact our support team at

Your #teamfileee

Jasmin Sudermann-Schaad

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