
A new milestone for fileee

Jul 27, 2015

fileee is now live!

  • fileee runs stably on all relevant platforms.
  • Nevertheless, the development is not yet complete - we want to continuously improve fileee.
  • We moved our servers to a new data centre.
  • The terms and conditions and privacy policy have been improved in your favour.
  • In the coming weeks, we will greatly improve the security of your documents and data with our new encryption technology.
  • Let us know if you have problems with fileee or if you are missing something - because fileee is made for you!

In the meantime, fileee is running so stably that we have decided to take a new step: we are going live!

What does this mean for you? First of all, fileee is officially leaving the status of a test version. We are also committing to stricter terms and conditions and data protection from now on. If you use fileee in any way from now on for a fee, you will be able to rely on certain contractual services and flawless functioning.

We thank you for your trust so far. It is you and our other users who have made it possible for us to be at this point today!

Where do we stand today:

fileee has been around for four years now. Since 2012, we have been in the so-called "open beta phase". During this time, we have received a lot of user feedback. Every piece of feedback - whether positive or negative - has helped us to improve our service and our apps. The wish forum was also used diligently. In this way, you have helped to shape fileee according to your ideas.

A lot has happened in the last 12 months: Our app has been given a whole new look. We implemented the core functions in the Android app and fixed a lot of bugs. We also released our iPad version. A lot has also been done in the background, so that we were able to fix many problems in the apps and in the web application. Finally, we introduced our new product: the fileeeBox. The interest in the fileeeBox is huge. That's why we rushed through the final tests so that we could start selling it soon.

Nevertheless, fileee is not a finished product when it goes live. In general, that is never 100% the case with software. But of course we also know in which areas fileee still needs to be improved. In particular, we still have to invest work in our Andoid app and our analysis. But you can already get a lot from us today!

What you can count on:

fileee runs stably on all relevant platforms and we can say with a clear conscience that errors have decreased significantly in recent months. Until now, we were automatically informed when fileee crashed on a device. This way we received important information that helped us to fix the problem. If you don't want this now, you can read in the support forum how to turn off error reports and usage statistics in the app. We have also achieved more stability through our new servers at a new data centre operator.

Our current range of functions will continue to be available free of charge. It is important to us that you can use fileee sensibly with the free version and with a realistic memory limit. Because we don't want to force you into a premium version. Look here to see what free services we offer you.

Safety is as important to us as it is to you!

You have high security requirements. We want to meet them. For this reason, we are getting an innovative, new encryption that makes your documents and your data much more secure. The encryption will be installed in the coming weeks.

Very high security standards also apply to our new servers at a state-of-the-art German data centre operator. If you want to know what we do for the security of your data and documents, you can read more about it in our data protection and security principles.

But we are far from finished!

We know that our Android version is still lagging behind the iOS app. We will catch up in the next six months.

And what about our analysis? Does fileee automatically recognise all documents and receipts? - No, that doesn't always work. Nevertheless, we have a good analysis basis and there are many documents for which the analysis works very well. In addition, our analysis is constantly being developed further and will improve significantly in the coming months and years. You can influence this: Send us your unusual documents so that we can use them to train our analysis. When you open a document in the WebApp, you can send it to fileee under "More". We have published a separate article about our analysis.

Our ambition is to become the best paperwork service on the market. There are many services that allow you to manage files and documents digitally: Dropbox, Scanbot or Evernote. But they often have a completely different focus. fileee even goes one step further, because we want to make your everyday paperwork as easy as possible. We want to establish a completely new kind of document management! Paperwork as we know it today should be a thing of the past in five years.

What's next?

By the end of the year, we want to have a good functional basis on all platforms. Android, iOS and the web app should then be at the same functional level.

With fileeeBox, archiving your original documents is done in a flash. Because the paper documents are linked one-to-one with the digital scan in fileee, you can find originals much faster than in a file folder. You can still pre-register for the first sales series. The fileeeBox is expected to be in your living room in September!

For our power users, fileee Premium is already in preparation. You have to deal with a lot of documents every day? Then we will offer you an unlimited document upload volume and a guaranteed faster analysis in the future. We want to give you the opportunity to digitally sign your documents, pay invoices or write letters directly from fileee. Our price overview gives you a foretaste of fileee Premium.

Have we overlooked a function that would simplify your daily paperwork? Then make a suggestion in the wish forum!

Give us feedback!

fileee is made for you. If you have questions, a problem arises or you wish for functions, we are there for you. We answer every request, if possible within 24 hours. We can usually solve any technical problem in a short time and we take every request seriously. Simply write to us at or use the feedback function in our apps.

Tobias Emmerich

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